Thursday, January 27, 2011

David Stockman's Call for Cuts in Defense Spending Falls on Deaf Ears

David Stockman says that drastic cuts in defense spending are needed, but clearly, no one is listening. He is just another voice of reason crying in the political wilderness.  Even though a majority of the American people - yeah, the ones the Republicans always say they are listening to when they never are - support cutting defense spending, and the bipartisan debt commission says deep cuts are necessary.

The sad fact is that there is a fundamental disconnect between what the people of this country want (like taxing the rich instead of cutting SS benefits) and what the politicians do, because they aren't listening to the people, they are listening to - and doing the bidding - of the lobbyists and political action committees that fund their perpetual campaigns and line their coffers.

Unless and until we amend the Constitution to provide for public financing of political campaigns, which won't happen because the vast majority of Americans just don't care, we are going to have government of the rich and corporations, by the rich and corporations, and for the rich and corporations.

Can anyone say plutocracy?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Representative Ryan's SOTU Response: Lies, Lies and Damned Lies

Why am I not surprised that most of Ryan's assertions are "bullpucky," as Rachel Maddow likes to call bulls@#t? Since when don't facts matter? I guess, to answer my own question, when the 20% of the American people that you are talking to don't live in a fact-based world. Fact-checking his official Republican response to President Obama's State of the Union address must have been a very fun assignment. His remarks had more holes than Swiss cheese! For the gory details, click  here.